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Flow Cytometry Core

CIIT Baowei Pang

The Flow Cytometry Core provides services that include training, technical support and assistance with experimental design and data analysis.

The Flow Cytometry Core at Seattle Children’s Research Institute’s Center for Immunity and Immunotherapies provides access to state-of-the-art cell sorters, analyzers and workstations. In addition to supporting faculty and students at the research institute, our facility supports investigators at other academic institutions and private companies.

The services our facility provides include:

  • Training and technical support
  • Assistance with experimental design, data analysis and interpretation by experts in the field
  • Assistance in developing novel multicolor flow cytometric techniques

Contact Us

Call us at 206-884-7382 or send us an email.

Location and Hours of Operation

The Flow Cytometry Core is located at Seattle Children's Research Institute's B. Wayne Hughes Building, also known as Building Cure, and 307 Westlake in downtown Seattle.

The facility is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

What is flow cytometry?


CIIT Cell Sorting Diagram small

In flow cytometry, cells are sorted as they flow past a laser light source in a liquid stream.

Flow cytometry measures the physical and chemical characteristics of cells or particles as they flow past a laser light source in a liquid stream. A cytometer measures cellular characteristics such as size and complexity, as well as other parameters, using fluorescent probes. There is also a special type of cytometer (Becton Dickinson Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorter, or FACS) that has a cell sort feature, which allows the physical separation of a specific cell population from a heterogeneous group of cells into separate collection test tubes. For more information about flow cytometry instruments, see Services.

For More Information