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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Modeling Airway Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Injury in BPD

The Eldredge Lab's mission is to study novel mechanisms of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) pathogenesis.

BPD is a chronic (and likely life-long) lung disease that develops after premature birth. There are neither reliable predictors of individual pulmonary outcomes nor targeted therapeutics to alter BPD progression. BPD affects alveolar, vascular and airway respiratory compartments. Airway disease in BPD is associated with increased mortality, respiratory treatment needs and poor respiratory outcomes such as invasive mechanical ventilation.

There are three areas of research in the Eldredge Lab:

  1. Development of airway disease in severe BPD (Seattle Children's clinical research, BPD Collaborative)
  2. Hyperoxia-induced lung injury in vivo (basic mouse model)
  3. Airway epithelial cell differentiation (mechanistic translational model)

Our longer-term goals are to understand which infants develop BPD-related airway disease, when airway epithelial injury occurs during BPD pathogenesis and what we can do to prevent and/or treat this BPD phenotype.


See a full list of Eldredge Lab publications.

Join the Lab

 The Eldredge Lab is growing and looking for new members of the research team. If interested, please email with CV and cover letter.

Support the Lab

If you would like to contribute to our research, please visit our donation page, choose “Other,” and type in “Eldredge Lab” when asked where to donate.

Contact Us

Physical Address

Center for Respiratory Biology and Therapeutics
1900 Ninth Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101