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CIIT Seminar Archive

2023-2024 Seminar Series

September 15, 2023

Justin Eyquem, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, UCSF-Gladstone Institute for Genomic Immunology, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
Presentation: Synthetic Immunology and Genome Editing to Advance T Cell Therapies (Video, 58:16)

November 17, 2023

Gay Crooks, MD
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics, Director, Immunology, Infection, Inflammation and Transplantation (I3T) program, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
Presentation: Guiding T cell differentiation from pluripotent stem cells for immune therapy (no video available)

December 1, 2023

Scott Boyd, MD, PhD
Stanford Professor of Food Allergy and Immunology, and Professor of Pathology, Stanford University
Presentation: Analysis of virus-specific B cell memory with multiplexed antigen panels and machine learning (no video available)

December 15, 2023

Jason Cyster, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair, Microbiology and Immunology, Howard Hughes Investigator, University of California, San Francisco
Presentation: Deciphering the Guidance Cue Code for B Cell Immunity (Video, 1:02:47)

January 19, 2024

Nicholas Vitanza, MD
Principal Investigator, Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research; Associate Professor, Hematology/Oncology, Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, Brain Tumor Program, Seattle Children’s
Presentation: Single to Multi-Antigen Targeting CAR T Cells Against Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (no video available)

February 16, 2024

Claire Booth, MB BS, MSc, PhD, FRCPCH
Professor of Gene Therapy and Pediatric Immunology Infection, Immunity & Inflammation Department, University College London, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
Presentation: Evolution of gene therapies for inborn errors of immunity (Video, 1:07:58)

March 15, 2024

Jacob Appelbaum, MD, PhD
Acting Instructor, Division of Hematology, University of Washington School of Medicine; Hematology/Oncology Fellow, Seattle Children’s Therapeutics
Presentation: Adults learning from children: developing cellular therapy for AML (Video, 1:10:16)

April 19, 2024

Evan Newell, PhD
Principal Investigator, Associate Professor, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Presentation: Profiling tumor-specific T cell responses for cancer biomarker discovery (Video, 1:00:55)

May 17, 2024

Jennifer Lund, PhD
Principal Investigator, Associate Professor, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Professor, Department of Global Health; Director, Interdisciplinary Pathobiology Program, University of Washington
Presentation: Regulation of mucosal tissue immunity in the context of virus infection (no video available)

June 14, 2024

Alex Shalek, PhD
Principal Investigator, J. W. Kieckhefer Professor, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and Department of Chemistry; Extramural Member of The Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Presentation: Does cell state matter in cancer? (Video, 55:32)

2022-2023 Seminar Series

September 23, 2022

C. Rachal Winger, PhD, JD
Patent Attorney/Partner, Lee & Hayes
Tandi L. Collisson, MS, JD
Senior Business Development Manager, Intellectual Property Core, Seattle Children’s
Presentation: Patents as a Tool to bring New Therapies to Patients (no video available)

October 14, 2022

Matthew Altman, MD, MPhil
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, University of Washington
Head, Allergy Section; Associate Scientist, Systems Immunology Division, Benaroya Research Institute
Presentation: Airways Transcriptome Pathways in Childhood Asthma Exacerbations and Responsiveness to Mepolizumab (Video, 59:26)

November 4, 2022

Elia Tait Wojno, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Immunology, University of Washington School of Medicine
Presentation: Prostaglandin regulation of inflammation at mucosal barriers (no video available)

December 16, 2022

Robert M. Anthony, PhD
Principal Investigator, Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases, Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Frisbie Family MGH Research Scholar 2021–26 
Presentation: Non-Templated Regulation of Antibody Function (Video, 59:16)

January 20, 2023

Paula Cannon, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Associate Director of Cross School Programs for the MESH Academy, Special Advisor to the Provost, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
Presentation: Move over CAR T cells - engineering B cells for custom antibodies (Video, 1:06:37)

February 16, 2023

Lai Guan Ng, PhD
Principal Investigator, Singapore Immunology Network (A*STAR)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, NUS, Singapore
Adjunct Assistant Professor, NTU, Singapore
Joint Scientist, KKH, Singapore
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Sydney Medical School, Australia
Presentation: Staying neutral with neutrophils? (no video available)

April 7, 2023

Oliver J. Harrison, DPhil
Assistant Member, Center for Fundamental Immunology, Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Immunology, University of Washington
Presentation: Induction and regulation of commensal-specific B cells (no video available) 

    May 5, 2023

    Fyodor D. Urnov, PhD
    Professor, Molecular and Cell Biology Department, University of California, Berkeley
    Scientific Director, Technology and Translation, Innovative Genomics Institute
    Presentation: Building a Turnkey N=1 CRISPR Treatments Platform for Inborn Errors of Immunity in an Academic/Nonprofit Setting (no video available) 

    May 26, 2023

    Frances Lund, PhD
    Charles H. McCauley Professor, Department of Microbiology; Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham Immunology Institute, Heersink School of Medicine
    Presentation: Effector and mucosal tissue resident memory B cells – first responders to vaccination and viral infection (no video available)

    June 16, 2023

    Lindsey A. George, MD
    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
    Director of Clinical In Vivo Gene Therapy, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
    Attending Physician, Hematology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
    Presentation: Exploiting Mechanisms of Factor VIII/VIIIa Regulation for Hemophilia A Gene Therapy (no video available)

      June 30, 2023

      James E. Voss, PhD
      Institute Investigator, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, The Scripps Research Institute
      Presentation: Elicitation of HIV broadly neutralizing antibodies from engineered B cells as an HIV cure approach (no video available)

        2021-2022 Seminar Series

        October 19, 2021

        Pejman Mohammadi, PhD
        Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, The Scripps Research Institute
        Presentation: Quantitative models of genetic variation in cis-regulation (no video available)

        November 19, 2021

        John Ray, PhD
        Assistant Member, Systems Immunology, Benaroya Research Institute
        Presentation: Mapping the immunological mechanisms of non-coding autoimmune-associated genetic variants (Video, 54:52)

        December 7, 2021

        Caroline Kuo, MD
        Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology, UCLA
        Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Children’s Health Center, Los Angeles, California
        Presentation: Site-Specific Gene Editing of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells for the Treatment of Primary Immunodeficiencies (Video, 1:17:20)

        December 17, 2021

        Andrew McGuire, PhD
        Assistant Professor, Immunology and Vaccine Development, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
        Presentation: Novel approaches to vaccine design for HIV-1 and EBV (Video, 1:22:21)

        February 18, 2022

        James Dahlman, PhD
        Associate Professor, McCamish Foundation Early Career Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
        Presentation: Delivering RNA outside the liver by testing thousands of LNPs in vivo (Video, 1:05:08)

        March 11, 2022

        Peter Nigrovic, MD
        Chief, Division of Immunology, Boston Children's Hospital
        Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
        Director, Center for Adults With Pediatric Rheumatic Illness (CAPRI), Brigham and Women’s Hospital
        Director, Joint Biology Consortium
        Presentation: Megakaryocytes as immune cells (Video, 1:20:10)

        March 25, 2022

        Neil King, PhD
        Assistant Professor, Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington
        Presentation: Computational Design of Nanoparticle Vaccines for Influenza Viruses, Coronaviruses, and Beyond (Video, 1:13:05)

        April 22, 2022

        Bruce Bochner, MD
        Samuel M. Feinberg Professor of Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Chicago, Illinois
        Presentation: Siglec receptors on eosinophils and mast cells: function, glycobiology and therapeutic targeting (Video, 1:07:06)

        June 24, 2022

        Frances Eun-Hyung Lee, MD
        Associate Professor, Director, Emory Asthma, Allergy, Immunology Program, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
        Presentation: Maturation programs of human Long-lived plasma cells in the bone marrow (no video available)

        2020-2021 Seminar Series

        September 18, 2020

        Michiko Oyoshi, PhD, MSc 
        Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
        Division of Immunology, Boston Children’s Hospital
        Presentation: Maternal regulation of neonatal food tolerance (Video, 40:29)

        December 18, 2020

        Qizhi Tang, PhD
        Professor, Surgery, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
        Presentation: Antigen specific Treg therapy in organ transplantation and autoimmunity (Video, 1:49:04)

        January 22, 2021

        Joshua Boyce, MD
        Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics; Albert L. Sheffer Professor of Medicine in the Field of Allergic Disease, Harvard Medical School
        Chief, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Director, Jeff and Penny Vinik Center for Allergic Disease Research, Inflammation and Allergic Disease Research Section, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
        Presentation: Functional regulation of mast cell development in human type 2 immunity (Video, 1:09:40)

        February 26, 2021

        Graça Almeida-Porada, MD, PhD
        Professor of Regenerative Medicine; Director, Fetal Research and Therapy Program, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
        Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Hematology and Oncology; Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
        Presentation: Prenatal Therapies for Hemophilia A (no video available)

        March 26, 2021

        Luigi D. Notarangelo, MD
        Immune Deficiency Genetics Section, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
        Presentation: RAG Deficiency: New Insights Into Phenotypic Heterogeneity, Immune Dysregulation and Thymic Defects (Video, 1:09:00)

        April 23, 2021

        Andrew L. Snow, PhD
        Associate Professor, Pharmacology and Molecular Therapeutics, F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland
        Presentation: Inborn Errors of Immunity Involving the CARD11-BCL10-MALT1 Complex (Video, 1:21:59)

        May 21, 2021

        Facundo Batista, PhD
        Principal Investigator, Associate Director, Ragon Institute of MGH
        MIT and Harvard Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Harvard Medical School
        Presentation: Informing vaccine design by defining the rules of antibody responses (Video, 1:15:00)

        June 25, 2021

        David Tarlinton, BSc(Hons), PhD
        Professor and Head of Department of Immunology and Pathology, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
        Presentation: Plasma cell biology and population structure provides insights into immunity and autoimmunity (no video available)

        2019-2020 Seminar Series

        September 29, 2019

        Teal S. Hallstrand, MD, MPH
        Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, University of Washington
        Presentation: Immunopathogenesis of airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma (no video available)

        October 18, 2019

        Talal Chatila, MD
        Attending Physician, Division of Immunology, Boston Children’s Hospital
        Denise and David Bunning Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School 
        Presentation: Regulatory T cell Deficiency: From Monogenic Defects to Common Diseases (no video available)

        November 1, 2019

        Bernard Khor, MD, PhD
        Assistant Member, Benaroya Research Institute
        Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of Washington
        Presentation: DYRK1A is a novel regulator of Treg/TH17 differentiation (no video available)

        December 6, 2019

        Nicolai van Oers, PhD
        Professor, Department of Immunology, UT Southwestern Medical Center
        Presentation: Molecular Insights into Thymic Hypoplasias Resulting from Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases (no video available)

        February 28, 2020

        Karen Cerosaletti, PhD
        Director, Center for Translational Immunology Manager, Genotyping Core Associate Member, Benaroya Research Institute
        Presentation: Heterogeneity in CD4 islet reactive T cells revealed by single cell RNA-sequencing (no video available)

        June 26, 2020

        Jesse Bloom, PhD
        Associate Member, Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
        Presentation: Antibodies to Sars-6V-2 and the potential for evolution in the trial RBD (Video: 1:09:23)