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Craniofacial Image Repository for Analysis of Shape


Principal Investigators: Drs. Carrie Heike and Michael Cunningham  

While treatment of craniofacial malformations has dramatically improved in the past two decades, methods for assessment and documentation of craniofacial variation and malformations often rely on non-standardized, subjective descriptions. The CIRAS study is modernizing this by developing a repository of 3-D images on individuals with and without conditions that affect craniofacial features and tools to measure the severity of craniofacial malformations before and after treatment. We plan to enroll 5,000 individuals in this study. Our ultimate goal is to improve how we classify and assess craniofacial conditions and treatment outcomes.

Aim 1

To create a repository for 3-D images and DNA for future research into the etiology, natural history and treatment outcomes of typical and atypical craniofacial features.

Aim 2

To develop methods to classify and quantify the severity of craniofacial malformations in craniofacial conditions affecting the head and face using 3-D surface images.

Aim 3

To develop methods to classify and quantify severity of craniofacial skeletal malformations and soft tissues (including the airway) using CT data.


For more information, contact Laura Stueckle.