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Information for ECHO-MEND Participants

Thank you, PATHWAYS GAPPS and ECHO MEND participants!

Thank you to all participants! Your contributions during your pregnancy and childhood in the GAPPS, PATHWAYS GAPPS, and MEND studies allows the ECHO MEND team to conduct research throughout many life stages. 

For more information about the ECHO program, please visit


We periodically send out a newsletter for you to read to keep you updated on the study and new findings. 

Study Visits

We are currently conducting annual study visits for ECHO MEND participants who are 6-12 years old. Our study booklet helps kids understand the visit and how they are contributing to science. Our study roadmap illustrates what we will be measuring over the next seven years, including:

  • Parent and child surveys
  • Measurements of child height and weight
  • Child biospecimen collection which may include shed teeth, urine, hair, blood
  • Child fitness exam
  • Child neurological exam
  • Child lung function exam

In Seattle, in-person study visits take place at the Pediatric Clinical Research Center at Seattle Children’s Hospital. In Yakima, in-person visits take place in our dedicated study space at Yakima Pediatric Associates. If you have questions, please email the study coordinators, Shayeleen Quinata (Seattle) or Daisy Hernandez (Yakima).

Thank you again for your participation in the ECHO MEND study and collaborating with us along the way. We are grateful for your willingness to be part of a study of this magnitude. The answers we hope to find will help us learn more about how environmental influences can affect childhood outcomes. With these results we hope to improve the health of all children in the future.