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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

2025 Pediatric Bioethics Conference

July 17 to 19, 2025

The Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics and Palliative Care will be hosting the 20th annual Pediatric Bioethics Conference, Attending to Stories: Narrative Ethics and Pediatrics.

Call for Abstracts

Submissions of abstracts for oral presentations at the conference breakout sessions are welcome for the 2025 Pediatric Bioethics Conference. 

Abstracts can be case-based, empirical studies, conceptual analysis, or narrative related to the conference theme Attending to Stories: Pediatrics, Bioethics, and Narrative. Abstracts should be de-identified and include an ethical analysis. 

Submit Abstracts