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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

ASPIRE Grant Program

Surgeons at Seattle Children’s and University of Washington have the opportunity to participate and benefit from ASPIRE and its offerings. ASPIRE supports our surgical faculty by providing:

  • Research support, such as research coordinators, biostatisticians and data analysts
  • Research funding opportunities
  • Education and training for residents and fellows
  • Access to innovative tools and resources in continuous improvement and innovation, such as simulation and 3D printing
  • Events such as the ASPIRE Simulation Summit and the ASPIRE Health Sciences Conference

Previously Funded Projects

Congratulations to all ASPIRE award recipients:

  • “End-Stage Mandibular Deformity in Cleft Lip and Palate and Implications on Orthognathic Surgical Treatment.” PI: Srinivas Susarla, MD. Co-PI: Russell Ettinger, MD. (ASPIRE Domains: Simulation/Bioinformatics).
  • “Exploring Patient and Provider Experiences When Providing Language-Discordant Medical Care for Children Whose Caregivers Prefer a Language Other than English.” PI: Juliana Bonilla-Velez; Co-PI: Alicia Henriquez, MD(ASPIRE Domain: Health Sciences and Outcomes).
  • “Creation of a Pediatric Tissue Properties Databank: Characterization of Properties of Urologic Tissues.” PI: Nicolás Fernández, MD. Co-PIs: Lauren Poniatowski, MD; Paul Merguerian, MD, Alex Gong (CREST lab) (ASPIRE Domains: Biorepository/ Simulation)
  • “Prospective Study of Quantitative Measures of Physical Activity and Chest Dysphoria in Transgender and Non-binary Adolescents and Young Adults: A Pilot Study.” PI: Shane Morrison, MD (ASPIRE Domains: Health Services)
  • “Refinement of a Laryngotracheal Cleft Model and the Implications of Simulation Based Surgical Rehearsal on Surgeon Preparation, Performance, and Patient Outcomes.” PI: Kaalan Johnson, MD; Co-PI: Sheng Zhou, MD. (ASPIRE Domains: Biorepository/Health Services)