Nutrition and Wellness

Keeping Kids Hydrated

A girl in a sports jersey drinks from a water bottle.To keep our bodies and minds healthy, we must stay hydrated — and water is the best drink of all. Getting plenty of water is especially important for active kids, who may be too busy to think about it. Children ages 1 to 3 need about 4 cups of water a day. Children ages 4 to 8 need 5 cups a day, and older kids need 7 to 8 cups a day. These amounts may vary depending on their activity and weather conditions like heat and humidity.

It’s important that kids drink before they feel thirsty, because thirst indicates you’re already at risk of dehydration. Be sure to bring water bottles with you everywhere and remind your child to drink several times an hour.

Kids who are especially active or playing a sport need more water. They should have 12 ounces 30 minutes before activity begins and at least 10 gulps every 20 minutes during. Plus, in the first hour after activity, they should have at least 10 gulps every 20 minutes.

Learn more about choosing water for healthy hydration.