Prevent and Treat Illness

Viruses, Vaccines and Treatments

a sick toddler with their parentDuring fall, winter and early spring, illnesses like flu, RSV, COVID-19 and colds are easily passed from person to person. It can feel like someone is almost always sick in a household with young children. This time of year is often called viral season, and it starts when temperatures cool and people spend more time inside in close contact. While viruses can spread more easily at this time of year, they do cause illness all year long.

Another virus to pay attention to is measles. Measles outbreaks are on the rise due to falling rates of measles vaccination. Measles spreads easily and quickly.

Help keep your family and community well throughout the year by preventing the spread of viruses with immunizations, handwashing and other behaviors, like avoiding people who are sick, covering coughs and sneezes, staying home when sick, avoiding sharing personal items, and cleaning surfaces often.

Visit our symptom checker for advice on treating common childhood conditions and consider urgent care for minor illnesses when your child’s doctor’s office is closed or they don’t have a doctor.

Activities for Children Sick at Home provides ideas for keeping your child entertained when they are stuck at home due to illness. 

Additional Resources