Charlotte W Lewis, MD, MPH

Charlotte W Lewis, MD, MPH


"Before becoming a pediatrician, I was an infant and pediatric nutritionist. I liked my job but wanted to be more involved with children and their families. This led me to pursue medicine. During my training as a pediatrician, I saw that children who were poor or who had special needs often had serious dental decay; it was difficult to find a dentist who would care for these children. My research interest in oral health disparities developed from this experience. As a pediatrician at the Craniofacial Center, I provide medical care for children with craniofacial birth defects and also focus on children’s feeding, nutrition and oral health."
  • Biography

    Charlotte W. Lewis, MD, MPH, is attending physician at Seattle Children’s Hospital and associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Her primary research interest is disparities in health and health-care access, with a specific focus on oral health and access to dental care.

    Her research has involved documenting disparities in access to oral health services for low-income and special needs children as well as developing and evaluating strategies to improve pediatric oral health through expanded pediatrician and family physician involvement in these areas.

    Board Certification(s)



    University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA
    University of Washington School of Public Health, Seattle, WA


    University of Washington, Seattle, WA

    Research Focus Area

    Translational Research

  • Patient Testimonials

    • {{ testimonial.displayName }}
      {{ testimonial.location }}
      {{ formatTestimonialDate( }}

      {{ testimonial.testimony }}

  • Awards and Honors

    Award Name Award Description Awarded By Award Date
    {{ }} {{ award.description }} {{ award.organization }} {{ award.displayDate }}
  • Publications

  • Presentations

    Presentation Title Event Location Date
    {{ presentation.title }} {{ presentation.presentedAt }} {{ presentation.location }} {{ presentation.displayDate }}
  • Research Funding

    Grant Title Grantor Amount Award Date
    {{ funding.title }} {{ funding.grantedBy }} {{ funding.amount }} {{ funding.displayDate }}
  • Clinical Trials and Research Studies

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    Condition(s): {{ item.con }} Phase: {{ }} ID: {{ item.nct }}

    No clinical trials found for Charlotte W Lewis, MD, MPH.