Allison Jill Pollock, MD

Allison Jill Pollock, MD


  • On Staff Since: December 2023
  • Biography

    Allison J. Pollock, MD, is a pediatric endocrinologist at Seattle Children's Hospital and is an associate professor with the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Washington School of Medicine. She received her MD from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and completed her pediatric residency and pediatric endocrinology fellowship at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health American Family Children's Hospital.

    Board Certification(s)

    Pediatric Endocrinology


    University of Rochester School of Medicine/Dentistry, Rochester, NY


    University of WI Hospital & Clinics, Madison, WI


    University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, WI

    Clinical Interests
    • School health – diabetes care 
    • Technology and online resources for youth 
    • Telehealth 
    • Health communication and patient education 


    Research Description

    Dr. Pollock is passionate about collaborating with school nurses and communities to improve the care of children with diabetes in creative and practical ways. With this mission, she developed and now directs Diabetes in School Health (DiSH), a Project ECHO telementoring program to educate and partner with school nurses. Additionally, through implementation, quality improvement and school and patient engagement, she studies how technological tools, connections and educational resources can improve diabetes and endocrine care for patients and families at home and the community. This work includes studies involving the electronic health record (EHR) and online resources for health information and support, as well as telehealth and telementoring.

    Research Focus Area

    Chronic Conditions / Special Health Care Needs, Diabetes, Healthcare outcomes, Informatics, Quality Improvement, Science Education Outreach

  • Related Resources

    • Diabetes in School Health (DiSH) program

      Diabetes in School Health ECHO is a monthly school diabetes health teleconferencing program for school nurses and school personnel who care for students with diabetes. Each ECHO session will have a 10-15 minute talk by a pediatric diabetes expert followed by 45-50 minutes of discussion of school nurse experiences and questions to promote collaborative learning between school personnel in communities across the state.

    • Pediatric Endocrine Conditions: Resources for Families

      A Patient Education Subcommittee comprising members from the PES Education Council and the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Endocrinology have been working together since 2010 to develop a series of patient education fact sheets covering topics such as growth, thyroid, puberty, diabetes, adrenal, PCOS, and vitamin D. All patient education sheets were updated in

  • Patient Testimonials

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      {{ testimonial.location }}
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  • Awards and Honors

    Award Name Award Description Awarded By Award Date
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  • Publications

  • Presentations

    Presentation Title Event Location Date
    {{ presentation.title }} {{ presentation.presentedAt }} {{ presentation.location }} {{ presentation.displayDate }}
  • Research Funding

    Grant Title Grantor Amount Award Date
    {{ funding.title }} {{ funding.grantedBy }} {{ funding.amount }} {{ funding.displayDate }}
  • Clinical Trials and Research Studies

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    No clinical trials found for Allison Jill Pollock, MD.