Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita

What Is Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita (CMTC)?

CMTC is a rare condition that mainly affects the blood vessels of the skin. It is usually seen at birth or soon after.

CMTC includes a mottled pattern on the surface of the skin. This purplish pattern is similar to the fishnet-looking blotches seen in young infants when they are cold. In children with CMTC, the marbling is more severe and is always visible.

This mottled pattern may be limited to a certain part of the body, or the pattern can spread over a large area of the body.

CMTC can affect the arms, trunk and face, but it usually occurs on the legs. The pattern can get larger with active movement, crying or when skin is exposed to the cold.

Vascular Anomalies Care at Seattle Children's

Our Vascular Anomalies Program is one of the largest and most experienced programs in the United States. Doctors from across the nation send patients to us for the unique services and expertise we provide.

What Causes CMTC?

The exact cause of CMTC is not known. The disorder is not usually seen in more than one family member.

Will CMTC Change As My Child Grows Up?

Most patients with CMTC show gradual improvement with age. The biggest change occurs during the first year of life. Fading of the mottled skin pattern slows down, but continues as the skin matures and thickens.

I Believe My Child Has CMTC. What Should I Do Now?

As CMTC is associated with other conditions, an expert team is needed to diagnose and provide regular check-ups for the child with CTMC.

Related abnormalities are found in up to 50 percent of children with CMTC. These abnormalities include vascular conditions, such as port wine stains and hemangiomas, as well as a large number of other conditions, including:

  • Body asymmetry (right and left sides of body not perfectly matching)
  • Problems with teeth
  • Glaucoma
  • Delayed psychomotor development

How Will Seattle Children's Diagnose CMTC?

Children's will diagnose CMTC by carefully examining and observing your child for specific signs that distinguish CMTC from some other, very different vascular condition.

Diagnostic imaging tests, such as x-rays, CT scans and MRIs, will be used when other abnormalities are suspected.

How Will Seattle Children's Treat CMTC?

Since the mottled skin pattern fades on its own, no special treatment for CMTC is needed.

Sometimes, however, ulcerations (open sores) become infected. When this happens, antibiotics may be required.

Since other related conditions may exist, consistent follow-up is important.