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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

New Providers Join Seattle Children’s Heart Center

NOTE: This information is intended for current patients of the cardiologists listed below only. If your provider is not listed below and you are interested in either starting or transferring cardiac care to Seattle Children’s, please follow the instructions on the Contact Us page.

What You Need to Know About Transitioning Your Cardiac Care to Seattle Children’s

The following pediatric cardiologists have recently joined Seattle Children’s Heart Center:

With the addition of these providers, Seattle Children’s Heart Center increases its expertise and ability to deliver the highest-quality cardiac care to even more patients and families in the Pacific Northwest.   

How to Schedule a Visit

The choice is yours whether to stay with your previous cardiology clinic or transfer care to Seattle Children’s to continue seeing your current cardiologist.

If you would like to transfer care to Seattle Children’s to continue seeing one of the providers listed above: Please call our dedicated transfer line at 206-884-3030 to begin the process, including scheduling a visit and transferring medical records. Our phone line is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you use a language other than English, call 866-583-1527, choose your language and ask the interpreter to call 206-884-3030.

Providers will see their patients in clinical sites near their current office locations and close to their patients’ homes in existing Seattle Children’s clinics. We will discuss clinic locations when you schedule your child’s next visit.

Insurance Information and Records

Seattle Children’s is in-network with most insurance plans. An authorization or referral may be required by your insurance company for certain services. If a referral is required, we may ask you to contact your primary care provider. If an authorization is required, we will request this from your insurance company and let you know if we need anything.

Additionally, we will request your child’s medical records from your previous cardiology clinic. This may require you to fill out a form releasing the records to us.


For information on scheduling and transferring your child’s cardiac care, call 206-884-3030. The phone line is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

To schedule a fetal echocardiogram, contact the Fetal Care and Treatment Center at 206-987-5629.

If you use a language other than English, call 866-583-1527, choose your language and ask the interpreter to call one of the phone numbers listed above.