Bonnie W Ramsey, MD

Bonnie W Ramsey,  MD


"I became involved in CF research because of my mentor, Arnie Smith, who was devoted to understanding the optimal antibiotic treatments for CF lung disease. Together, we developed TOBI, an inhaled form of the antibiotic tobramycin. Soon after the drug was approved as a commercial product, I happened to be riding a hospital elevator with one of my patients and her mom. The mother turned to me and said, "I want you to know that you and the TOBI you helped develop have changed my childs and our familys lives. We no longer have to live in the hospital. My daughter is now at home and able to be a normal child. Thank you.""
  • Biography

    Bonnie W. Ramsey, MD, is director of the Center for Clinical and Translational Research at Seattle Childrens Research Institute. She is the co-PI of the UW Institute for Translational Health Sciences which provides extensive clinical research infrastructure at Seattle Childrens Hospital. She is also the PI for a P30 for Cystic Fibrosis Research from the NIDDK. She is Professor and Vice Chair for research in the Department of Pediatrics and holds the Endowed Chair in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

    Dr. Ramsey is member of the American Pediatric Society and the Association of American Physicians. She is an attending physician at Seattle Childrens hospital and Associate director of the CF clinic. Her career has focused on clinical care and research in the field of cystic fibrosis (CF). She is internationally recognized for her work in developing new therapies for patients with CF, and she directs the CF Therapeutics Development Network that directs clinical trials throughout the United States. She is also interested in the ethics of pediatric clinical research and has served on two Institute of Medicine committees focused on this topic. Ramsey has used her expertise in clinical and translational research to help develop infrastructure for research involving pediatric participants at the hospital.

    Clinical Interests

    Cystic fibrosis

    Research Focus Area

    Cystic Fibrosis, Translational Research

  • Patient Testimonials

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      {{ testimonial.location }}
      {{ formatTestimonialDate( }}

      {{ testimonial.testimony }}

  • Awards and Honors

    Award Name Award Description Awarded By Award Date
    {{ }} {{ award.description }} {{ award.organization }} {{ award.displayDate }}
  • Publications

  • Presentations

    Presentation Title Event Location Date
    {{ presentation.title }} {{ presentation.presentedAt }} {{ presentation.location }} {{ presentation.displayDate }}
  • Research Funding

    Grant Title Grantor Amount Award Date
    {{ funding.title }} {{ funding.grantedBy }} {{ funding.amount }} {{ funding.displayDate }}
  • Clinical Trials and Research Studies

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    No clinical trials found for Bonnie W Ramsey, MD.